Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon

Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon

Professor Muzlifah Haniffa

Professor Muzlifah Haniffa

Prof. Manjinder Sandhu

Prof. Manjinder Sandhu

Network with other RSEs

Network with other RSEs

Talks, workshops and panels

Talks, workshops and panels

Sept 03-05, ’24
Newcastle, UK

Research software engineering conference

Research software engineering conference

Join us in September 2024 for the eighth annual conference for Research Software Engineering

Thank you for joining us in Newcastle for RSECon24. We were thrilled to bring together the international Research Software Engineering community for an incredible week of talks, panels, workshops, and networking.


Catch up on sessions you missed during the event. Watch talks, panels, and workshops.


Access slides and other resources shared during the event via Zenodo.


Browse the official photos from the event and relive the moments.


We look forward to seeing you at future events as we continue building and growing the RSE community together!

Anne-Marie Imafidon


Open to all registered attendees, our keynote addresses feature inspirational and visionary thought leaders from academia and industry. We are pleased to welcome Anne-Marie Imafidon (one of Forbes Magazine's top 50 women in tech globally), Muzlifah Haniffa (Interim Head of Cellular Genetics at the Wellcome Sanger Institute), and Martin Sharkey (founder and CEO of CloudKubed) to speak at RSECon24.

Discover speakers
Programme Schedule


RSECon aims to deliver a relevant, inclusive, and engaging conference experience for the RSE community, featuring a balanced and varied programme that caters to all roles and skill levels. We are committed to creating an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds can fully participate and contribute.

Explore schedule


We’re hosting a series of enjoyable and relaxed social events and activities designed to help you mingle and network with friends and colleagues from the community.

Social activities

Community Awards

We’d like to recognise three amazing people for their outstanding contribution to the RSE Community in the past 12 months. The categories are : Impact, Rising Star, and Training & Education.

Community Awards

In-Person Attendance

Join us in Newcastle to experience the vibrant atmosphere of our conference with in-person attendance. Connect face-to-face with other RSEs, engage in live discussions, and forge valuable connections. Secure your ticket today.

  • Access to all talks, workshops and posters
  • Complementary lunch and refreshments from Tuesday to Thursday
  • Welcome evening social on Monday 2nd, with food provided
  • Networking evening social on Tuesday 3rd, with food provided
  • Additional social and networking opportunities

Remote Access

Secure your remote access ticket now and be part of the conference from wherever you are.

  • Live streams of all talks and workshops with online Q&A
  • Online poster sessions with Q&A facility
  • Networking and social activities

Important Dates

Important actions leading up to your RSECon24 journey

Call for submissions

20th March - 8th May

Submit an abstract

Call for reviewers

25th March - 30th April


Community Awards

26th June - 28th July



15th April - 31st July

Get ticket

We are offering a limited number of bursaries for those who would otherwise be
unable to attend the conference in-person. For more details please visit the bursary page.

Dimitrios Theodorakis

Foundation Scientific Software Engineer, Met Office (UK National Weather Service)

In climate modelling we have a need for speed! At RSECon24 I guarantee you'll learn new tricks to optimise your code, build your network, and get tips from RSEs in other fields that use the same languages as you. In addition to workshop sessions which have directly benefitted my day-to-day work, I also met tons of potential collaborators many of whom I now work with to deliver new software training with tools I discovered at RSECon.

Prof. Daniel S. Katz

Chief Scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

RSECon has given me the opportunity to talk to members of the UK and global RSE community, to learn about issues and solutions that I can both contribute and adapt, and to think about new research challenges. RSECon is the closest we currently have to a global meeting on research and issues around research software engineering. It is the place where you are most likely to find members of the global community researching research software.

Matthew Bluteau

PhD, MBCS, Senior RSE at UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)

It isn't only RSEs that should be interested in RSECon24. I absolutely recommend this conference to anyone in science or engineering who might be called 'the software person' in their group or who is interested in learning how they can improve their research software. RSECon is highly interdisciplinary, researchers from different fields can exchange useful information about computational techniques that are applicable to a wide variety of problems. What excites me most is finding those unique conversations where you feel completely at home and seen by all of those involved. Finding common ground across a wide range of topics is something the RSE community does incredibly well.

Simon Li

Senior Research Infrastructure Engineer at the Health Informatics Centre, University of Dundee

The RSE community is a great bridge between different disciplines and cultures. You might be working on something very niche, but others at RSECon will be using the same tools and processes, and can give you inspiration and new ideas.

Stefanie Reuter

HPC-RSE, Cambridge Open Zettascale Lab

RSECon24 is a great opportunity to get together with my team for an extended period of time and to learn about different developments and training opportunities. A big part of RSECon is social events to allow time for interesting conversations. I like how open and friendly the RSE community is.

Dimitrios Theodorakis

Foundation Scientific Software Engineer, Met Office (UK National Weather Service)

Prof. Daniel S. Katz

Chief Scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Matthew Bluteau

PhD, MBCS, Senior RSE at UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)

Simon Li

Senior Research Infrastructure Engineer at the Health Informatics Centre, University of Dundee

Stefanie Reuter

HPC-RSE, Cambridge Open Zettascale Lab

See how the previous event unfolded

Get inspired with a selection of the keynotes about the Conference 2022