

RSECon24 is an international conference for Research Software Engineering. We aim to deliver a relevant, inclusive, and engaging experience for the community, featuring a balanced and varied programme that caters to all roles and skill levels. The call for submissions is now open, and will close on the 8th of May 2024. We’re looking to offer an accessible, celebratory and outward-looking programme, and will incorporate accepted submissions to build an exciting schedule that reflects the current innovation and diversity in research software.

Categories for Submissions

A conference submission refers to the process of submitting a proposal to be considered for inclusion in our conference programme. We have four top-level categories this year, to facilitate flexibility in submissions. Information on each category can be found via the links below. If you have an idea you feel doesn’t fit in these categories, contact us at [email protected] and we can discuss your submission.

We are committed to creating an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds can fully participate and contribute. We welcome submissions from everyone across the community, and encourage people to use this event to share and discuss ideas with your peers. If you are interested in contributing to the programme, but feel unsure where to start, we will be hosting a webinar to provide guidance. If you would like to come to the webinar, register your details to receive the Zoom details. A recording of the webinar will be made available after the event.

If you would like to discuss an incomplete submission, or would like help finding an interested collaborator, please get in touch.

We are using Oxford Abstracts to manage submissions and scheduling for RSECon24.

Research Software Development Principles

Prof Neil Chue Hong proposed 9 Research Software Development Principles during his keynote at RSECon23. By exploring these principles as the theme of RSECon24, we hope to better understand ourselves, our significance within the research environment, and our broader impact on society and the planet.

Helping your team



Reusable by as many users as possible



Respect data privacy and assume attacks



Easy to adapt and to correct faults

Helping your peers



Enable trust in research



Reward all roles and develop the next generation



Accessible and supportive of a broad community

Helping the world



Build to reduce impact on our environment

Open & Global

Open & Global

Transcend national and discipline boundaries



Unbiased, ethical and in support of humanity

During the submission process, we’ll ask you to select the principles which are relevant in your work, and we encourage you to incorporate a brief reflection into your session. We hope these moments of reflection on a unified set of principles will bring cohesion across the programme, and allow us to group together submissions that are driven by similar underlying principles. During a presentation, you could dedicate a few minutes at the beginning or end to discuss the principles, or weave the reflections throughout your talk. If you’re running an interactive session, you may decide to actively seek feedback by asking attendees to share their own perspectives on the principles. Our expectation is that you spend just one or two minutes to give your unique viewpoint, in the context of your own work. You may want to consider one of the following prompts to help your planning:

  • How does your work align with the Research Software Development Principles?
  • Which principles are most relevant in your work?
  • Are any principles unimportant in the context of your work? Why?
  • Do you believe any principles are missing from the list? If so, what are they and why are they important?
  • What is blocking you from considering these principles during your development?
  • Are you a natural advocate for any of the principles?
  • What challenges or successes have you had in applying these principles?

Technical Requirements

Most submissions will not have technical requirements, but workshops, hackathons and walkthroughs, may have specific needs. Please use the relevant section of the submission form to specify any technical requirements for your proposal, such as room layout, network bandwidth, or firewall exceptions. We will do our best to cater for these, but cannot guarantee fulfilment of all requests. Should you wish to discuss anything further please reach out to [email protected].

Accessibility Needs

Ensuring accessibility in conference sessions is crucial for providing an inclusive environment where all participants can fully engage and contribute. If your submission is accepted, you will be required to follow our accessibility guidelines when preparing for the conference. If you require assistance in meeting these guidelines, members of the conference committee are on hand to provide support. Please use the submission form to explain how you will ensure that your session meets the accessibility guidelines.

If your submission is successful, we will invite you to also specify any adjustments that will improve your experience as the presenter. We will do our best to cater for these, but cannot guarantee fulfilment of all requests. If you would like to discuss any of these aspects, please contact us at [email protected].

Catering for a Hybrid Conference

This conference is a hybrid event and some members of the audience will be attending remotely. We are aiming to provide an equivalent experience for online and in-person attendees. We will provide guidance to assist accepted presenters to achieve this.

Although the preference is for content to be delivered in person, to ensure that the conference is accessible to all presenters, we will accommodate sessions which are led remotely. The in-person management of this content can be supported by the conference team. Where a submission has multiple contributors, some of whom will be attending the conference in person, we would expect them to manage the delivery themselves.

Peer Review

All conference submissions will undergo a peer review process, where the submitted work is evaluated by others in the community for its significance, quality and relevance to the field of research software engineering. Based on the reviews, conference organisers decide whether to accept the submission for inclusion in the conference programme. You will be notified by email before 31st of May 2024 with the outcome of the peer review and selection process.

Wider Dissemination

Following the conference, all materials will be published on the conference website, and recordings will be shared via YouTube. All material will be shared under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence unless an alternative open licence is agreed in advance with the conference committee. Where applicable, recordings, subtitles, slides, and posters will also be made available via Zenodo.


Upon request, we will endeavour to provide mentors who can help you make the best of your session. Mentors can help by reviewing draft slides, listening to a rehearsal, providing advice on making the material engaging, reviewing adherence to accessibility guidelines, advising on hybrid delivery, etc. You can let us know during your submission if you feel you would benefit from having a mentor to help you prepare.

If you would like to contribute by being a mentor for others, our call for volunteers and mentors will open on 28th March.


In summary, regarding the programme content and delivery, we (conference committee) have the following responsibilities to you (content author):

  • Communication: We will communicate with you regarding the outcome of the peer review process. If your submission is accepted, we will contact you regarding your session details, scheduling, room allocation and other expectations.
  • Promotion: We will advertise the programme to conference attendees, including the abstract, speaker details, room allocation and other logistics for each session.
  • Venue: We will select a venue that is accessible to all individuals. We will also arrange for room setup, including seating arrangements, signage, and additional equipment or materials needed for programme delivery.
  • Session Moderation: We will appoint session chairs or moderators to oversee individual sessions. These individuals will introduce presenters, facilitate discussions, and ensure that sessions run according to schedule.
  • Technical Support: We will ensure that appropriate technical support is available for session presenters, including access to audiovisual equipment, and internet connectivity.
  • Streaming Setup: We will set up the necessary technology infrastructure, including video conferencing software, streaming platforms, and audiovisual equipment.
  • Conflict Resolution: We will follow our Code of Conduct to resolve conflicts or address issues that arise during conference sessions, such as disputes among participants.
  • Dissemination: We will capture a recording of the session and will publish the associated videos and transcripts for archival purposes.

As a presenter:

  • Session Materials: You are required to follow our accessibility guidelines and provide accessible materials for their sessions, such as accessible slides, handouts, and visual aids. This may involve using accessible document formats, providing alternative text for images, and ensuring colour contrast and font readability.
  • Coordinating co-hosts and helpers: You are responsible for coordinating any additional helpers that are needed to support your content delivery.
  • Respect for Diversity and Inclusion: You should be mindful of the diversity of the audience and strive to create an inclusive environment where all attendees feel welcome and valued.
  • Clear Communication: You should aim to speak clearly and at a moderate pace to ensure that all attendees can understand your presentation.
  • Use of Microphones: You should use the microphones provided to ensure that attendees both in-person and online can hear your presentation clearly.
  • Adhering to Time Limits: You should respect the allocated time for your presentation and ensure that you stay within the specified time limits. This allows other presenters in the session to have sufficient time and prevents the session from running over schedule.
  • Professionalism: You should conduct yourselves professionally during the session, showing respect for the audience, other presenters, and conference organisers.
Last Modified: 2024-06-14 16:21:53