
Mentoring Guidance

This guidance has been compiled for Mentors and Mentees at RSECon24.


Role and Responsibilities

Congratulations on becoming a mentor for RSECon24! Your role is to guide and support early-career research software engineers (RSEs) and newcomers as they prepare their talks, posters, workshops, hackathons, walkthroughs, panels, and Birds of a Feather (BoFs) sessions. Here’s what you need to know:

As a mentor, you will:

  • Share your knowledge and expertise with speakers whose abstracts have been accepted.
  • Provide guidance and support to help them refine their ideas and improve their materials.
  • Boost the mentee’s confidence and help them feel prepared to deliver their presentation.

Activities may include:

  • Providing feedback on drafts of the materials.
  • Acting as a practice audience and offering suggestions.
  • Answering questions and sharing relevant experiences.

Note: Mentors are not responsible for assessing or vetting the material for acceptance. All mentees’ submissions have been peer-reviewed and accepted. Your role is to support and prepare the mentee for their presentation.

Time Commitment

Mentorship will vary based on the mentee’s needs, but you should be prepared to dedicate at least:

  • 30 minutes: To read a draft of the materials.
  • 1 hour: To exchange emails with suggestions, feedback, and answers to questions.
  • 2 hours: For video conference meeting(s) to discuss in more detail.

You should provide the bulk of this support between June 14th and August 23rd. You may offer additional support closer to the delivery date or at the conference itself.

Code of Conduct: All interactions are bound by the conference’s Code of Conduct, which you should review in advance.


Role and Expectations

Whether you are an early-career RSE or a newcomer to the profession, you have an exciting opportunity to present your work. To help you prepare, we offer a mentoring program where experienced members of the community will guide and support you.

What to expect from your mentor:

  • Constructive feedback on your draft materials.
  • Acting as a practice audience and offering suggestions for improvement.
  • Answering your questions and sharing relevant experiences to help you prepare.

Note: Your mentor is not assessing or vetting your material for acceptance. Their role is to support you in refining your presentation and building your confidence.

Time Commitment

To make the most of this mentorship, be prepared to:

  • Share drafts of your materials with your mentor for feedback.
  • Engage in email exchanges to receive suggestions and ask questions.
  • Participate in video conference meetings to discuss your presentation in detail.

Mentorship activities will primarily occur between June 14th and August 23rd. Your mentor may offer additional support closer to the conference date.


  • Preparation: Be proactive in preparing your materials and seeking feedback.
  • Engagement: Communicate regularly with your mentor and make use of their expertise.
  • Respect: Follow the conference’s Code of Conduct in all interactions with your mentor.

How to make the most of your mentorship:

  • Be Open: Accept feedback graciously and be willing to make changes.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask your mentor for clarification or advice.
  • Practice: Use your mentor as a practice audience to refine your delivery.


For Mentors:

  • Provide feedback and support.
  • Dedicate time to review materials and meet with mentees.
  • Follow the Code of Conduct.

For Mentees:

  • Share materials and seek feedback.
  • Engage with your mentor.
  • Follow the Code of Conduct.
Last Modified: 2024-07-10 13:46:37