
Conference Q&A Guidance for Participants

Q&A during RSECon24 will be done solely via the canapii platform to ensure an equal opportunity for in-persona nd online attendees to ask questions.

To ensure a smooth and productive experience for everyone, please carefully review the following guidelines:

  1. Code of Conduct to Be Adhered to in All Communication
    • Respectful Interaction: All participants are expected to communicate respectfully and professionally. Any form of harassment, discriminatory language, or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.
    • Constructive Engagement: Please ensure that your questions are constructive and relevant to the discussion. Questions will be moderated, and further action may be taken if necessary.
    • Privacy and Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of all participants. Do not share any personal information or content that could violate the privacy of others.
  2. Q&A is Only for Questions to Speakers, Not Comments
    • Focused Questions: The Q&A platform is intended for questions directed to the speakers. Please avoid using this space for comments, opinions, or unrelated discussions.
    • Clarity and Relevance: When posting your questions, be clear and concise. Ensure your question directly relates to the topic being discussed by the speaker.
  3. Anonymity and Accountability
    • Anonymous Posting: While you may choose to submit your questions anonymously, so your name is not displayed to the speaker or other attendees, please be aware that the conference committee can identify the source of all submissions.
    • Responsible Participation: We encourage responsible and thoughtful participation. Abuse of the anonymous feature may result in your ability to post being restricted.
  4. Further information
    • Upvote: You can see the questions other people have asked and ‘upvote’ them to move them closer to the top of the list to be answered
    • Chosen questions: The session chair will choose the questions at the top of the list first, this will either be the most upvoted question, or the earliest to be asked
    • Unanswered questions: If your question is not answered during the session, you are welcome to follow up with the speaker in-person during the conference or later by email/slack

By participating in the Q&A, you agree to adhere to these guidelines. Our goal is to foster a respectful and engaging environment for everyone involved. Thank you for your cooperation and participation!