
Building stronger communities


Community Discovery Day

The formation of the Society of Research Software Engineering was driven by a community-led campaign. We look to support everyone in the RSE community, whether they are members of the Society or not, and we are delighted to be able to showcase some of the emerging communities as part of the Community Discovery Day at RSECon24.

Building stronger communities in research software

The third and final day of the conference will spotlight the society's ongoing efforts to unite communities through special interest groups (SIGs) and other community activities. This day will provide attendees with an opportunity to engage with new groups that share common interests, and gain insights into the value of collaboration, knowledge exchange and peer support when building communities of practice within areas of research software.

Through a series of informative and interactive sessions, participants will learn about the motivation behind the society's work to create new groups, the process of forming new groups, and ways to access funding for events and activities. The success and rapid growth of the RSE movement has been driven by the enthusiasm and inclusivity of its vibrant community. This final day of the conference will give an opportunity to explore emerging groups, and take a deeper dive into popular topics of shared interest. Whether you're seeking to deepen your involvement in existing communities, initiate a new group, or network with peers interested in related topics, this day will offer a platform for discovery, collaboration, and meaningful engagement.

Agenda for Thursday 5th September

Financial support for new communities

Over the past year, the Society has reinvested more of the surplus accumulated from conferences to increase the Society's support for the community - increasing spending on grants made via the Events and Initiatives scheme, expanding the mentoring scheme significantly, supporting a hybrid conference experience, and significantly increasing the number of attendance bursaries for RSECon24.

The Society is looking at additional options for investing more of the Society's accumulated surplus to further broaden the range of financial support it provides to the community, including looking at how it might better support community organised activity such as that organised by Regional RSE and Special Interest groups. The trustees will share an update on this at the AGM at RSECon24.

Last Modified: 2024-08-24 10:41:30